Hi! My name is 'Chester' and I am the Team Leader of the Education Animals here at Auckland SPCA. I love living here, there’s lots of grass for me to eat, I have a fantastic mud pool to help keep me cool in the summer and a nice warm bed in
'Georges Barn' where I sleep every night. I’ll be telling you about what’s happening with the Auckland SPCA Education team as well as any new arrivals we might have down on the farm. Look out for tips on future blogs for ideas to keep your rats entertained, the importance of a good diet for pigs and watch out for any farm animals we might have for adoption.
The Auckland SPCA Education Programme
We have a number of different animals that live in
'Georges Barn' and in our Education barn yard, ranging from the very small 'Hannah and Montana' our two beautiful rats, up to our very large ‘Miss Moo’ our gorgeous cow. Whenever there is a group booked to visit, we get very excited. We love visitors! The rats, rabbits and guinea pigs are ready and waiting in their pens, and the goats, sheep and Miss Moo can't wait to come inside to greet their visitors. We love teaching groups about pet care and owner responsibility and we all have a story to tell. If you would like to learn more about our Education programme and perhaps book a visit
click here. We even do
birthday parties!
The Auckland SPCA School Holiday Experience
We love visitors so much we are even have our own school holiday programme, click here to see the programme and who to contact to book a place.

Fun Fundraising Thermometer
My mate 'Miss Moo' our beautiful education cow and several of her close friends - consisting of goats and sheep which are currently being housed at the Auckland Animal Village need new shelters. We are currently raising money to build three new large shelters for the goats and sheep on the education team and for the incoming rescued farm animals at the Animal Village. Check out the fun fundraising target thermometer on this blog and keep an eye on its progress towards the building of new farm animal shelters. You can also click here to view it on our website. If you would like to make a contribution please contact - Fiona Mcdonald Education Barn Supervisor, email her at fiona.mcdonald@spca.org.nz or call on 09 256 7300 extn 824.

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